Talk with Friends About Their Cal Poly Experience
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Okay, Claire, I just got probably because my sister came here, and the first time I visit her, I just fell in love with the campus, and I just left her active everyone wass and how everyone seemed to be just so involved with everything. They were a civil engineering major, and I would describe the academic climate challenging, but in a good way. It's definitely very interesting, and I feel like on the right path for sure. Then I'm wondering what I need to know my biology major. They've been really interesting so far, and the professors are always super helpful. You can go in and ask him any question, even if it's super simple, but they really help you out. Making the course and workload list thing about the student body is how everyone is so involved in so many different things and passionate about it, so you could definitely find your people into place. Everyone is super informants about everything that's going on on campus because there's always Booth set up Dexter Lawn on in our university union so people could go to those booths and get information clubs or other things happening on campus. My favorite thing, Cal Poly, would have to be the rec center. There's so many different things you could do there, whether it's workout classes, working out on your own or playing ping pong or taking a nap in a bean bag chair. It's just a really fun place to be and kind of get away from the academic side of school. My least favorite thing about how Polly would definitely have to be with food options. Long as you find a ride like Trader Joe's, you'll begin My favorite thing about Camp Ali's father. So many things to dio both at the school and around. There's so many hikes or super close to the beach. There's so many different activities You, Khun Dio on campus every single day on my lease when the that the student body isn't really into going to the sporting events of this morning. Events aren't that big, and we don't really cheer for our team, so I definitely wish we had more school spirit.