On-Campus Dining
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So just to put that into perspective and Kinsmen Park is what I'm walking along. My next class, which is actually all the way across campus, which you will see as we walk, is about to take about five minutes. I don't know if you can see it, but I'm going to show you this a little bit later. When you see my new favorite, you'll find out why, and right here on the other side of me um, this is Starbucks. Every college campus needs a Starbucks actually had to shoot you. It was a really long line right now because it always has a really long line at this time. It's right before classiness, kind of prime time to get some coffee. And you'll see our big welcome to telling sign. That Kings in Park has kind of emptied out after the fair for the festival. I'm just gonna walk into class moments ago is my new favorite because it's a lot more healthy. It's also much closer to the dorms that I live in. I used to live in remote Cliff Hall, which is right over there. You're really close to Centrum Cafe, which is where you see that. Sit there and then gradually past our last shining thing. That's a good place to get, you know, a healthy morning breakfast type thing. Feels a lot healthier than getting Starbucks if you don't like coffee like me because I don't taste thing. I'm on the I'm in the minority on that, but it's okay. So his trauma chief's Right now, I'm just walking past all the academic buildings, but I want to talk to you a little bit about time about joining. So if you live on campus and you live in a dorm that does not have a kitchen, you are required to have a dining plan so much as a freshman. It is pretty extensive, you know? They have like I can't remember. I think there are three options, but I I'm not totally sure. I didn't eat the dining commons all that often. I did have a fridge, mini fridge and a like a wave in my room, so that was kind of nice. I didn't always eat at the dining commons, but when I did, it was nice to have a meal plan. I don't have a kitchen, so I don't have to have a meal plan. Um, I think I have a really small one, like twenty five meal swipes a semester and stuff like that. Hey, Leslie, uh, and I have said twenty five years, like a semester and two hundred dollars in bonuses dollars. Which means I get to use that like John produce and all those places and Centrum Starbucks. At home in commons, meals can actually get kind of expensive. You never really noticed because of male swipe just counts. So right now I'm at the building, but my classes in. Most of my classes communications class was doing here, and I'm actually about to meet my friend, and he's going to tell me a little bit about himself.