The Front Lawn

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We call it the front line just because this huge open fields right at the front of our school. Um, if you look around and this is where we hold just like tons of our events, we have a lot of our like, intramural sporting events here, our flag football for Tuna Bowl, which is like the championship flag football game. We host that here and, like thousands of people, come in seriously crazy, like they bring in stands and like concessions. Just like it's insane and we don't have actual football. So we go all out for flag football and way hold like intramural soccer games here. We do have, like, actual soccer fields, but the paint lines for the intramural games. Then people come out here to simply let Ultimate Frisbee or soccer or whatever, just hang out the friends. We ask this big open field and we hold tons of other events, too, like we had our Spring Holly Festival. Holly is like an Indian festival to celebrate the first day of spring and that they throw like the color powder on you, and it was like a dance. People perform like traditional songs and dances. Then we also like our Christmas tree lighting with that tree right here. So we do like a Christmas tree lighting kind of event. Sometimes you have, like, like free in and out will come to the campus and in and out. Trucks will be lined on this field and just get free in and out. Um, it's a super awesome like you have a lot of, like a freshman events on this field and just stuff like that. Like basketball, volleyball, soccer on the list goes on and forgetting quite a few, But so, yeah. So if you're not gonna be doing a varsity sport or something, they got intramural sports, um, or tons of other clubs.