Some inside information about scholarships and majors while walking through campus!

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I'm walking along the main road. That kind of goes through our school. I want to show you guys, but I thought I'd take this time to tell you about our school. Um, we have eighty plus majors here, but this loud truck going by right now, but we got eighty plus majors, Um, all the way from, Like, nursing engineering, film photography, um, graphic design, you name it. We have the degree that you want to get, but we have lots of, like, majors scholarship. So if you don't get like this much academic, um, eight as you want, then you can apply for, like, department scholarships for whatever your major is. You really gotta look around like email people about those cause I'm not super easy to find, like on the website and everything, but definitely look into that. I know they have a film, scholarship, photography, scholarship, engineering scholarships. So definitely look into the department will like scholarships. Because I could help you afford this awesome school, it can be expensive, but it's not too bad if you get enough AIDS. So I'm doing it. I'm headed to the athletic complexes and the health science campus, so let's go check it out.