Balancing Work and Classes

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So I just got out of dance practice, and Lauren and I are walking back to the dorms, and I want to talk about, um, basically the work life balance here at school. So I'm in the Freeman culture management, and I am now I decided that I will be an accounting and financial management major, and I want to mine included writing. Basically if you plan it all out, you can a minor and something. I'm also going to study abroad. Junior year. If you plant your courses, you could definitely study abroad. Um, it just might be hard if you're an engineering first semester. All management students actually take four and a half credits, So we take an extra half credit class, and it was kind of a new intro to management class. Um, there's a core curriculum here that you take. Um, just satisfy, kind of like the basic requirements and gives you more flexibility. Um, your first year since you haven't really declared a major yet, unless you're like an engineering um, it's it's pretty good, like with the balance and stuff. Then as you take more technical classes and lab classes, those they're going to take up more time. Um, it definitely depends on the semester and what classes you happened to be in. We have a good bounce of classes, and I find that with my schedule. I have practice at night for dance, and I'm overloading with dance class this semester, and I find that my schedule is fine. It's pretty busy, but as long as you stay and talk with things, you could definitely still go out. It's pretty good so far that basically, my main takeaway is that as long as she organized and you bring school supplies to use, you should be fine as long as you do some good planning. They don't need to take more than two management classes a semester, so you could, like, bounce it out with science or humanities course our language. I'm doing a C FM, so I do have to take three management classes certain semester's just to fill up the requirements, but they do try to make your schedule well rounded here, so it's a good time.