College AKA a breeding ground for germs

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I don't know if you could tell, but I'm very congested. So I thought I would do a video about staying healthy in college and everything. My friend Jane and I were literally just at student health together, booked our appointment at the same time, and everything found out that we both have sinus infections. Jane might need to go to the E r. Um, but yeah, it is. It is nice because I live in Smith Hall, which is literally right next to a zay was saying Smith is located right next to student health. Um, obviously, I'm not film in student health for you guys, but it is pretty nice. Everybody there is really nice and helpful and stuff it can be a bit of a process. It gets, like a little repetitive every time you come, like they need to go through like, all these, like, basic questions. Um yeah, in conclusion, staying healthy on campus is not always easy, but this this is like going for any college. You just need to make sure you're sleeping enough. Eating the right foods, Going out a lot will literally kill you. Um, yeah, those that's basically that's what I've learned.