The Science Quad

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I'm not here all too often because I'm not making a lot of science classes, geology and this building, which is a leering last Mestre library straight ahead right over there. No. So right now I am leaving the library and I'm headed into the Science Guatemala way back to my dorm. So this is coming from the opposite side is a just showed. So right over here, we have one of the humanities buildings, and then that over there is actually a brand new building. The thing is, from the construction of a quest East, I think in the back and then right over there with the big pillars is break iron. It's an engineering building, and then on the left and the right arson buildings used for science classes like Colin. I had geology and then shared ahead is Carnegie, which is kind of like another library. It's like the baby library, so I like together a lot. This building right here is another engineering building, and then right here is called Olen Science. Then right behind it, we have rock, which is another science building, and it split up into two wings, one for bio and one for Cam. I do have an accounting class in there, so it's not strictly for science mentioned. Rick is right through there and you can cut through it, which I do a lot, especially when it's raining to go to the CAF. And then right over here is the very center, and that is very had geology. That is an overview of the signs quad..