Partying at Bucknell

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So I wanted to talk to you guys about something that I've mentioned briefly in my other videos. We haven't really talked about yet, and I know that a lot of people may be interested in this, but I wanted to talk about what the social life is like a buck now. We're known for partying because we're kind of out in the middle of nowhere, so there's nothing really else for us to do. The frat and sorority system is very popular, Bucknell, and I know that for some people that aren't very interested in this system, it can be very hard for them and they feel kind of alienated. So if you don't want to join a frat, our sorority, not that you can't having a good time and there are plenty of other things to do. There are a lot of clubs, but if you think that maybe being around a lot of people that are in sororities and fraternities is not the best thing for you, then maybe Bucknell isn't the right for you because is definitely a very popular thing at Bucknell we go out Wednesday nights, Friday night's Saturday during the day at Super Saturday and Saturday nights, and some athletes that are dry go out Sunday's. So there's a lot of partying going on, and you could probably party every single day of the week if you really wanted to. There's probably always going to be a place that has something going on, and we have a lot of different things. What is a bunch of Dardis, which is a day party and all the frats open their front yards and they have keg send. It registers, which is so frats have two houses, usually Ah house downtown, which is about ten to fifteen minute walk from my dorm. Ah, house Uphill, which it's literally right next to my dorm and the house is uphill, tend to be a lot nicer. Those air, actually, where the fraternity brothers live and the house downtown get trashed, their disgusting. If you come to Buck now or anywhere, really bring bring frat shoes, which are shoes that you don't care about by a frak. It which is a jacket that you've just you made. Don't may lose at some point, but you don't really care about losing it because you're literally just needed to stay warm. Yeah, there's a lot of partying at Bucknell. I think that we have a work, hard play, hard mentality. We just had our hall a weekend, which was literally two weeks of dressing up. My personal favorite is supers because I feel like you can talk to people at supers and you're not all kind of crushed together in a house and you're not as good roast and the sweaty and you kind of actually interact with people. Freshman year is really hard for guys because they can not get into any of the parties except for supers. You could try to get in, and there are some instances where, if you know enough people or if you know the right person, you could get in. They don't really like to let freshman guys in because I don't know they're just competition, I guess, with the fraternity brothers who are the ones that are throwing all the parties. If you're on a sports team, sports teams have their own houses, too, and they throw their own parties. Sororities are not allowed to throw their own parties. There are also mixers between the frats and sororities. I don't know too much about that because I'm only a first year students. I have yet to be in a sorority or a fraud to experience that. If you like, really like being social but also really like good academics. If you want a very academic oriented school that doesn't have people kind of stumbling up to the hit up the hill to their dorms, Saturday days and Friday nights and maybe Bucknell listen for you. There's a lot of racket going around, especially during the weekends in the dorms. So it's kind of hard to get things done if you're trying to work. The library is open twenty four seven, so you could just go there. I wanted to take you guys, but I thought that people were going to react kind of aggressively if I shoved a camera into their face. Also it's been so cold that it just hasn't been as enjoyable as usual. If you want to see firsthand experiences, I would look up Barstool Buck now on Instagram. Then there's another account called uh, Bucknell means for Amish teens, which is kind of like a Bucknell joke accountant. So if you're curious about that, also checked them out. That's kind of my spiel with partying at Bucknell. If you're not a big partier, there's still plenty of things to do on campus, but that's that.