Diversity and Clubs at Bucknell

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So I wanted to talk about diversity on campus and kind of the different experiences that are available to students. Um, I want to tell you guys what I'm involved in that I'm involved in the Theatre Society, which is called Captain Dagger, and we do a lot of fun activities. We just had our big and little weak, which is, um, a freshman gets paired with a sophomore, But you don't know who the sophomore is, and the sophomore brings you gifts all week. Then the end of the week day surprise you and you find out who they are. You joined like their family, which is includes like, they're big and they're Bigas your grandmother and it was so much fun. I love my big and I'm also in Bucknell student government. Every week we have a Congress and we passed legislation. Some of the things we've done so far we updated this shuttle system to run more efficiently. We're getting chairs put in the squad. We got a panini press in the cafeteria, so very, very effective. You don't have to kind of focus on the party atmosphere. If you're not really interested in that, um, there is one thing that I kind of have seen a buck. Now, uh, I am a Mexican American student at Bucknell, and there aren't as many international and non white students at Bucknell, which could be kind of hard. There isn't as much diversity as may be one would like. Not that we don't have international people, but it's not as prevalent as some of the other schools that you may be looking into. If you want a really diverse campus, uh, Bucknell is getting there. That's something that I have noticed at the school, and they're trying to change, but there are, like, there's there's a Latin society. We just had our day of the dead party, and that was really fun, So yeah, you can. Uh, you Khun try tohave it up uh but yeah, that's just what I wanted to talk to you guys about.