Dorm Information

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Okay, So for dorm's, uh, this is my favorite part of college life on DH. I also was mainly interested in my dorm life and like, what rooms looked like death from our college before actually coming to college. So I'm here to show you all that door life stuff and just talk about that. Um, basically to start off, I live in a dorm called Erdmann. As far as I know, there's a lot of singles, mainly in this store. So it's really convenient if you're trying, if it's like snowing, and you could just go through a different door and you don't have to step outside to get food, which is really nice. A job offer at the end of freshman year, and the room dries basically where you get a priority number. So my number was around like one sixty, which is kind of low. There were no dorms, no rooms available for me to get sounds and put on a weightless. I selected Erdman because I wanted to live in German. So in the summer, unlike other people who got their dorms at the end of the year in the summer of an email saying that I was, uh and turd like I was accepted, basically like they have room for me and urge mint. Yeah, it's really amazing because first semester, no, first year I was in a quad and I was basically living in the common room, so there was like, a lack of privacy and like all that stuff, which is like, which I was kind of okay with, But now that I have a single room, it's like so much better.