Meeting some more of my friends (Part 2!)

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So we're going to be doing a quick walking tour with the shot, my friend, because he is very busy, but her face is going to the eye. Is this one of your favorite things about being a brown? I wish I could say yes. Tell me about yourself, but not too bad. It's like, Yeah, I'm a first year I went to school with Booth. Um, So why did you pick Brown? My brown university? Um, as a student, that was, like, pretty set on doing something stimulated, but also had a lot of, uh, interesting talking about humanity with the stuff that people didn't want to go to a school that was to stand in a way, they're filled conversations about science and stuff. I want to be able to get by, push myself in different directions with classes on different terms. That was, like, pretty well round and everything like that. Have you pushed yourself in different areas? Just like you said? Well, last semester, it looking after quality? Of course not. Because I thought it was a big thing, but because I have never heard of the word after policy before. Um, learned what an apology was and learned some stuff about anthropology on, uh, came out of it right next semester. In that Dana running things on a class about turtles. What? Yeah, there's a turtle class top travel experts like show. Um, so what do you like about brown on DH? What you didn't like about round if you have to say, like, a couple of things, I think the freedom you have here to make sure it's corny and the old state but the freedom to make your education whatever you want to be is kind of insane. Who wants to be easy? You know, smooth, great options you have to make. So you want to be hard and learn a lot of harder by. So for a reference on ground, you can take any class that you want for a great war pass Fail on Dhere, we call pass fail SNC, which means satisfactory or no credit. Um, what is your concentration or major? Or if you don't know it? Do you talk a little bit about that? I'm gonna be your computers concentrator. Exciting, exciting over love with this somewhere where you spend a lot of science. So why? Why? Um I think the intersection of those two subject is really fascinating. The opportunities there are to increase the ways we're able to do economics with a scythe. Yeah, I don't know that stuff that excites me sometime. Playing them is designed them, and it could get two years of cord damage from Mr as project get longer. There's a lot of support in place there to help you out before we say goodbye. This Sean, do you have me, like, last parting words? They're worse. So I just picked up some nachos from because on this Sunday or the street, But I'm walking down right now. Let's just where a lot of the stuff is as a freshman. So before I wrap up this video, I just want to say I enjoyed it. Could ask a couple of my friends and different concentrations that you could get an idea of what the experience is like for depending on the concentration of ground and how that can impact what it means to be burn on you.