Meet Savannah and learn why she chose brown

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Tell him why you around island around people here are so amazing and diverse and eclectic, and I know that might be a little happy to disappoint my hearing. I love Brown because of the people, but it really is true. So what do you do here? Were you studying? I'm double contrary. Are planning to double concentrate and biology and English taking hard classes, doing the absolute most reading and writing that can maximizing the time. I don't know, but I know what I study in the open. Really? So I'm really good with that kind of flexibility and tell them what your extra here outside back than expected. Just just a little detail, detail, you know, consumes most of my you're able to balance Scholar athlete award. You know, I really enjoy both parts of my life. Here is a very polarized experience like having, but it's a very funny one thing that you would say you don't like my ground with. When the sun disappears, where does it go? Where is she? All right. You'll probably see more of her around, all right?