Meeting some more of my friends (Part 1!)
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So what is sunny outside? Brown students emerge, and it's really great. I mean, you just want to show you how many people there are. I haven't been this many people out in a long time. So why don't you want to come back? I was kind of spontaneous, like one that I want you. Um, and I justified to the U s gonna know what I'm saying. So I did the brown never visiting campus unit before. It seems like maybe it's like looking for a lot. I don't want to go to fix what I want to go to school and feeling really attracted a lot. I don't seem like a really cool place to have education off a lot of questions More times, like doing, learning new things and, yeah, I don't know. Back from our little break, um, you mentioned that you like the open curriculum around some. What are some of the things you do and don't like after you've been here for almost a year? So one of things I do like is my price, You know, things that you like because like, the curriculum is like their You're kind of like allowed to, like, explore a lot of interest because someone is pre med. I didn't want to take all stand fast because I don't personally like Willinto some passes. I would find it frustrating and picked your very intime. Yeah, not any of your work, but basically, like with the curriculum here, Like how much more of a place like this? You're a lot like explore a lot of your interesting more extracurriculars. Well, because like this, let's focus on, you know, doing you're trying to get, like, a basis, whereas I'm not, like, you know, explore more extra extra curricular activities. Like, I'm a staff writer for CPR, and I want the operation seems connects and, like, things like that, which, like, Tio, um, but like things like that, I feel like, you know, kind of like no part. Just understand company love for those interested, If you are, you're kind of thing. Exploit dealers that are within your field of study. It's like the whole extent related extracurriculars like Mike's shooter related to some not all around political review. I'm like, a lot of, like explore interests and all of a sudden release what I want to study. Things are passionate about just one thing I really appreciate about diversity. What their way right now, it's not miserable, which is why I'm gonna get all these video can be rough, especially coming from you know, it's beautiful. So back from snack break apart to, um, last couple questions. What is your major concentration, as we call it Hair brown. Why did you pick it? Or you still figuring out initially when I came to problem, I thought I was going to bring in from bio, which is like the exact opposite of what you have now. Um, now I wantto concentrate, unlike bidding like neuroscience and like, after all these years, But I feel like I'm not concentrating and no signs of taking on forty passes because one thing a brown is like a lot of people you like focusing double concentrating. I feel like once you realize that double concentrating isn't necessarily a necessity, you are. You can always take, like, one concentration and take it out of classes and like the other concentration and sold those transcripts that we'd like to dedicate a lot of time about something. Like, one thing is initially working the problem Rex, that unlikable consecrated. Now that I'm here and now that I'm like, you know it, support for cost, you like, um, it's better for me to like come straight one something like neuroscience and take a lot of her past. I want Teo like, Let's make our way to answer that. You know, like the world of medicine has always like some, like science, science, science. They would like throw lost, take more like human aspects, humanized like three times that are, you know, like under considered in terms of the prospect, so wait of like what you are doing all the time. So it's something different and night's and like, That's one good thing about right. Okay, so the last it's the last thing you have. Like any comment for high schoolers interested it around? I, like, might come here one day, just like anything. I freeze up like like a vessel on their program, like there's people. You could contract it anytime you like, you know, disgusting. Resource is Teo and I feel like initially can be quite intimidating to, like, with mentors with visors, even professors on like that for you.