Goodbye :(
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I just wanted to say that I really hope you enjoy this campus tour with these videos. I really wanted to sort of take you on Not necessarily a day, but just a journey of what it's like to be a brown student and going around campus, hanging out with friends, the realities of late night studying and, you know, making the most of a sunny day when you can. You could get a good view of what it means to be around student and what it's like being rousted. It also realized you've never seen me in my brown swag so most I mean, you have to get it if you come here. I never had anything before I showed up a brown and it's one of the best feeling sues, you know, have your school pride. A final word of advice to all of you guys watching this video. If you are parting to brown or think about coming to brown to yourself, don't force yourself to be something you're not, because Brown is a place where yes, If you get in, you're gonna have to accept them. First it's going to take them accepting you. On some level, they know if you're going to be a good fit or not and that, like open curriculum and having all that choice thrown at you right out of high school, it can be really overwhelming. I feel like if you're not honest with yourself and with the school's, it may not be the right fit for you. So don't force yourself to do anything that you don't want to do any college. It is great if it's the right fit for you, so just be happy. Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me. Who knows? Maybe one day you might even see me around campus.