Brandeis Lecture hall
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Coming to you live from a nice signs lecture hall. I've had two of my crosses of eight I take in so far in this room. Not am It's great. We love it. Uh, most intra bio classes are in here. Bob on. So I was like, Cam, um it seems really big and scary, but what's nice about these big lecture houses? You know, you always have a friend in these classes. Like literally. Almost all my friends have been other and fire fourteen or fifteen hundred now, so it's reassuring to know that you always have a study. Buddy, I'm defending this class. Um, as well as like you got here early enough. You get Teo icon close to the front. I'm so don't really seem that big and scary, but I remember bring on my toy like, Oh, my goodness, there's like I came for him like a small high school. It's room. This big was, like, really overwhelming. But it's not, in the end, that scary, um, additionally, most every like luxury in here is filmed on, so you don't even need to come to class for these big lecture halls. You can watch it from the comforts of your own bed. I shall come to class because I find it helpful. But you don't really have tio. Um and then, uh, for big lectures like this and for most classes will be office hours held by the professor. But you're super helpful to go to. I didn't really use the my first semester like I should have, but they have consistent office hours for any questions. Also, the professor's just really want to get to know you. My professor last year had our last semester had, like lunches you could sign up for to get to know her, uh, additionally, there's th which are teaching assistants, which are have their own office hours to help you out on. Then, for big classes like this, we also recitation where quizzes or projects to do. And it's like smaller groups, like eighteen people in a classroom. So you get like a more personal teaching experience to answer all of your questions and make sure you're on track with what you're feeling.