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I just want to thank you so, so much for coming on this tour of Brandeis for with I hope you enjoyed it. Be honest. I think Brandy is the best choice I made. But I know that's like, easy to say, looking back on it, Uh, I get the position you guys are in. It's a hard time, but you'll get through it. Piece of advice, I'd say Probably I don't worry about the name like wherever you go, like there's like a place that feels like you'll fit in like the people. Like I'd say like go with that one. Because ultimately, like it doesn't really matter that the name of your school matters like like people your way. Like if you're able to feel at home there, it will make your experience so much better. Doctors recommend if you do get a chance to come on campus or any campus, you do visit like eat a meal there dining hall. Because that's the food you're gonna be stuck with for a long time. I applied here. Come with me. Uh, like test optional, which I think a lot of people are discouraged from doing. But I'd highly recommend it. My writing and my grades were better than any standardized test could ever be. So if you're worried about your senators tests don't be Prentice's house optional, as are many other schools, um, started highly recommended in that also doing student interviews or, like interviews with the school. It's not going to make or break you, but it does like it is helpful to get your name out there. I know Brenda's does one's over Skype, as do a lot of other schools. So thanks for coming with me on it. I hope you come to Brandeis.