Meghna - Welcome

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Hi everyone.My name is Meghna Manohar,and I'm a second yearBA/MA studentat Brandeis InternationalBusiness School.I just earned my undergraduatedegree this past May,where I majored in economics andminored in business and psychology.I'm currently workingtowards my mastersin international economicsand financeand I've picked up a concentrationin data analytics along the way.Brandeis University isa private liberal arts school10located in Waltham, Massachusetts.11It's about nine milesoutside of Boston.12It's a cute little suburb.13As a liberal arts school,it's multidisciplinary.14You can take a bunch of coursesin all types of disciplines.15A little bit about me,16I'm currently residingin Columbia, Maryland,17which has been my hometownfor the past 15 years.18I love the state of Maryland19and I hope that you'll cometo love it too.20Being a BA/MA student,21I've been at Brandeisfor total of five years.22I've picked up a ton of tricksand tips and advice23which I can't wait to share with you24with these videosthat are coming your way.25Thank you for watching this videoand I hope you watch my others.