How to Balance College and Life!

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So today I'm going to be talking to you about how to balance your work and your life in college. So I'm going to give you five tips on how Tio balance your work in your life in college and talk to you about how I do it. I know it's really hard because when you live in a residence hall, your friends are right across the hall like there's always someone who's like, hey, looking to hang out like there's always something going on on campus and it's great. To be involved in campus is great toe, you know, go out and explore the town and go out and have fun. So I take anywhere from two to three classes a day, typically sometimes for on my really busy semesters. Typically it's two to three classes a day, you know, in those very in length. During the day, in between classes, I'll work. Like have your time during the day when you work and have your time during the day when you relax because you're constantly working, you're going to explode. If you're constantly right relaxing, you're not going to do well, so have the balance. Um, a great way to relieve stress and to be social is to work out. Go with your neighbors, go with someone from your class be like Hey, you want to go take this yoga class with me? Hey, you want to go for a run? You want to go for a walk, you want to go hiking. It's a great way to be social and also like getting active is good for you. It's good for your mental health is good for your physical health. So even if it's just I'm just go going to go for a quick jog. You know, I'm just going to some weight lifting. You know, Pallotti's fitness videos on YouTube, Whatever it may be, um or even, you know, joining a fitness club or organization on campus Find a way to get active because that's gonna help with your mental health. It's gonna help their physical health, and it's gonna help with your social life. Don't go overboard on, you know, eating pizza and candy and unhealthy fried foods all the time. Just don't go overboard on anything, because if you go overboard on studying, you're not gonna have a social life. Um, you might have good grades, but you won't be making any memories. College is a lot about making memories and finding who you are. If you're partying too much, your grades are going to suffer. Um, you know, you're body's gonna physically suffer. So keep that in mind whether it's you know, are responsible things or are leisurely things too much of either can be bad, so keep that in mind. An astronomy viewing, That's what's important. You know, You know, you're always gonna have your core like, Oh, yes. That's you know why I'm in the honors college. Uh, but don't forget to make memories while you're at it. Create those relationships and have those revelatory experience is where you find who you are in college. Definitely make time for your academics, for sure, but also make time for the little things, you know, And tip number five say yes. Um, this this was a big problem that I had my freshman year, so we'll be like, Oh, you want to hang out and like, I'd already be in bed and I just am not really feeling it. I kind on a just watching Netflix, so I'd be, like, No, catch you next time, and I really wish I hadn't I really wish I would have gone, um say yes when you could go, but you can idon't want Teo because sometimes those are the best memories. Like I had a friend comes to me and be like, Hey, you wanna go for a walk? And I was like, It's kind of high open, really tired and but, you know, I said yes because I was like, passion. We ended up walking to the droit Parry stadium, which is our football stadium, which is open twenty four seven, and we walked in and the stars were out and we were completely alone in this enormous giant stadium, and it was absolutely beautiful. It's something I'll remember for the rest of my life because it was just a breathtaking experience to see the stadium that I usually see filled with people on game day completely empty and everything was just quiet and peaceful, and the stars were out, and I was like, This is one of those memories that I'm going to always remember. Get out of your comfort zone, do something that makes you uncomfortable. Do something that changes you as a person when you get to college, say yes to those things that you know my end up being amazing. You know, study abroad internships say yes, meeting new people, having new experiences, going new places, trying new foods Say yes, because those are the things that you're gonna look back on and be like. Overall, academics come first, but don't forget to make some memories while you're at it, I hope This was helpful. I, I hope you guys can apply it to your lives when you get to college.