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Well, Senator is the home of the theatre and film department. It was designed by a Swedish architect who's designed only to buildings in the continental United States. This one and the nine eleven city Wolfson actually houses a couple different performance halls that feeder and film majors get to utilize. There's the memory state, which it's pretty much just a small, basic black box theater will put on different shows. Uh, I saw the language archives at the TV. Really behind me is the denial feeder. Listen, now features like your typical, like large, grandiose. Um, I saw Threepenny offer there last year, which was also awesome. So this is our digital arts film in your lab? Um, it has regular lab hours throughout the week. Four students to come here and added their films for graphic designers to work on projects for animators to come work on animation's even for film students to come in and work on costume, rendering set designs. We have multiple different anything sweet if come with two computers and this great thing giant processor right there. One of the really cool things about the Wolf Center that film and just get to utilize that we have a film. We have all sorts of different tech and our lovely film lab employees. S O students can come here and rent different cameras, extension cords, microphones. You know, just about anything you might need for a project, um, and use it for their assignments. Or for the forty eight hour film festival, which happens twice a semester that film students get to participate in and make their own film in forty eight hours. It's really fun, so if you ever get the chance, definitely come and check it out. I like to just hang out and some of the company trees in between classes and before my next class. It's also a really cool place to shoot because of all the natural light in the medical architecture. If reports about the world's centre is that they have this really cool place that you get to hang out on top of it. So we're basically on her for the Wolf Center right up, and you just walk up that grass slope on your basically at the top. So I like to, like, sit out here when the weather's nice and work on some homework, sometimes at the beginning of the year. The film Department of Theater Department, World Kickoff Party here, um, and it's really fun. We watch Rocky horror picture show only and popcorn and pizza and all that stuff. We really liked having on campus, and I'm so glad you got to see with me today.