Sam tells you about Housing Options at BC

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So how's Ng? A B. C is pre diverse, where there are a lot different options for places to live. They live off campus, but some have four years of housing. S O. I live in traditional South housing, which means that I live in just like a room with one roommate and a hallway in a shared bathroom, which is how it is when you come to BC and the rooms are like nice and clean. It's definitely enough space on DH, so as you can see, that's like all the storage space for us behind me. Um, and this is the kind of housing that freshman would have. So I had the same situation last year with the same roommate, actually, but we actually have a third roommate and like a force triple, which sometimes you get if you live on upper campus. It's not bad. It's just a little bit cramped, but it was fine. I really like living on Upper Campus, which is one of two campuses for freshmen. So lots of sophomores, living traditions that housing like this, um, and we're actually on lower campus, which is really nice because it's, like, right near where a lot of the student activity is. So we have that a little bit over the freshmen housing, which is like on the other side of the academic quad..