Taking you to some of my favorite academic buildings on campus!

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Right now we're walking into one of my favorite academic buildings. We're walking into the communications building, also known as a call to classes that I take Carrie take in short film media three. Oh, one is well as media three o three Media aesthetics. You know what? Over three thousand of us idiots got the Purple Heart. We have the Interactive Learning Center, also known as the I'LL see. It is five stories, but anyways, back Teo, the I.'LL see this is just has different dining options that you can use a part of your meal plan as well as just different classrooms and lecture halls. I'm gonna teach you guys into one of my classrooms later. You guys were kind of see class and action, but this is one of my favorite buildings on campus. Just because the open windows and just the set up is a very modern building. I just really want this how everybody's so. That's actually where I had my first lecture in college. It's one hundred fifty person lecture hall, and it's our second largest lecture hall in the business building. There is a two hundred fifty percent lecture hall, which is the largest on campus. Education Building also shares with the science department, which is over there. Basically this is the largest and tallest building on campus. We have elevators, and like I said, I took a psychology lecture as well as one of my statistics lectures, and I took a media class last year. Behind me over here is the simpler advising and success, huh? Building also Anissa Smash building and in that building is going to be our testing center, which is one of our resources on campus. Basically, if any of your classes not all classes but some of them, you do have to take your exams in the testing center. So what she'LL do is you'LL make an appointment online for any day or time that works for you. That's within the slot your teachers give you and basically you'LL take your tests on the computers up there and as well as some advising offices that air in there. So if you ever need to talk with someone thinking, um, if you ever need to talk with someone about different exams you need to take or major complications as well as, like, study abroad, you can make it a point with your advisor and head on over to the smash building.