My Major and Me!
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So when I came to college, I tried toe implement all those different things that I like into choosing my major. Um, and now, which is R E T major? Um, E T basically stands for electronic engineering technology. We study, um, power systems, power grids, different things like that as well as we're going to technology. Um, look at different technologies, See how they work, basically take things apart and put things back together. Um, basically learn how different things work and how we can make them better and basically take day to day, um, items that we use and basically again make them better. I picked my major because again, as I said before, I was always interested in circuit building, engineering, graphic designs, multimedia, um, different things like that. That really intrigued me, especially as I was able to see that we get a lot of hands on activity with a lot of different hardware's of basically taking things apart, put them back together, seeing how different things work, seeing how you can improve different things. Um, and then all these different things were simple things that we use daily in our everyday lives. We made a laundry basket one time, and then another time, we made a little coffee mug type thing, and then, even for Valentine's, that we made a little heart shaped box with a ringing in, which was really nice, and they're actually again completely made into the computer. Um, I basically designed these in a computer and then I can actually print them out as either schematics or I can send them to a three D printer where actually print out these different three D images, Um, and three D models of these actual images, which I absolutely love. Then I took another class called circuit analysis, which is basically we learned about how circuits work. Basically how voltage current, um, different things like that resistance, how all that played into different circuits. Way also was able to go into a lab and actually put circuits together where we use capacitors, resistors and doctors, a swell as a d m m and an Oscar scope as well as a function jen where basically we were able to use these different things. We use the hospital sculpt to be able to study the different wave forums, and then we use the D. M. M to measure the voltage and in a current and resistance on. Then we use the function generator as our actual supply eso you'll see right here that actually did these things in the lab where My professor gave me a lab report. Toe answer any of your questions? Eso It was just a really, really nice experience, especially be ableto have that independency to be ableto really get into this class and be able to do some of fund amazing things like that. We have group projects where were ableto work with our classmates on different things, building different circuits and everything like that. Another class I like actually was the intro class to my major, which was intro to engineering, which literally we basically learn the basic aspects of engineering. Once we get our degree with our different fields that we could go into eso is very informative class, especially once we got into our do we know section were basically we learned a little bit about this programming of our DWI knows we're actually made. Things like that, Um, which was really, really nice. I really enjoyed those different classes, some bonuses of with being in this major. Um, first off, I can say the classes are really small, especially once you get into your junior and your senior year where you start needing recommendation letters. Um, let's say we need, um to be in a lab because we didn't finish a lab or we need to do a lab report. So it'll do different things like that, or Professor will do different things like that because the class sizes so small. So they have Don't have to worry about a whole bunch of different students. You'll definitely love the small classes that you have, Um, especially in your junior senior year, when those recommendation letters and again the bond that you need with your professor will become way more important. As I stated earlier, we get a whole bunch of different times and, um, the different labs. So we get a whole bunch of different ends on activity. You're actually doing different things during the lecture. As I said before, I was in the circus class where we, um, build circuits and everything like that. The professor showed us how to build different circuits. Showed us the different machinery, how to work the different things. As you go higher, your major just gets better and better because you just learn so much more and you'll be able to have that hands on activity just like a regular engineering would to wrap things up. Just wanted to give a little Golden Nugget basically the gold nugget of the video. Going to a career? Um, even if you don't decide to do engineering or electron ICS or anything like that, I have 100% if you do guarantee you'll love it. If you don't just a little gold nugget of how to pick your career, your major, um, no hard feelings if you don't pick technology, but hey, definitely good technology and engineering. I'll, but yeah, basically, if every single job, every some career, basically anything in life, if everything paid either the same exact thing. Or basically, what would you basically do for free for the rest of your life? Because if you basically are able to find something where it fits and literally both of those two categories, mainly, what would you do for free for the rest of your life? Um, it'll basically feel like you never worked a day of your life because you're literally doing the exact thing that you love. Then let those things guide you toe basically what you wanna do, what your career in your life. If you have any questions about anything at all, um pertaining toe, my major or just any questions about anything about Bloomsburg University? Um, you could email me directly.