Being a Nursing Major
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How does to be a nursing major fear absolute university so I can take the step back from going to freshman year? Always senior year. With any major year, and you're gonna be taking a lot of jennette be again basic classes that are just gonna kind of helped lay a foundation. It was a lot of science based crosses, a lot of biology, chemistry and physiology, things like that. With those there was a lot of labs that Humpty Dumpty, you know you have anatomy and physiology laughs. I kind of learned like, How does each chemical affects the body parts? Things like that And it was really interesting because you have to get to see what you're learning in class. That's kind of what I did should love science based classes. I'm just having a solar foundation before I went into software here for your first semester is more kind of like just how to approach a patient, how to talk to a patient, how to find pulse. Is that what you're doing All these things with your friends? So it's kind of nice where you're getting more comfortable with the skills just on someone that you're friends with. It went to actual patients like fatso against often. Here was kind of the first time I really got to interact. Patient actually feel like I'm actually a nurse, which is really cool, and I really enjoyed that aspect. Starting junior is when you actually have clinical every week so soft your second semester, you only have a every other week. So the week you're not in clinical, you're actually the lab learning skills trying to perfect this feels things like that. Junior is when you have to start, find those skills are going to clinical every week, and you have class and all that. I really Jr. That's when I felt like Compton my ability that I felt like making those connections between class and political things like that. Just cause I feel like I finally felt like I was actually a nurse and actually making those connections between classes Right now going to my senior year, I'm really excited because I feel like I finally kind of built my confidence up. I have enough experience where I think I know what I'm doing. I feel more confident going to the clinical settings. Now I finally feel like, you know what? This is the last year. That's just so once I graduate, I'm ready. So those are my four year experience, kind of through the nurse. They have a great program, so if you're thinking of nursing, I would highly recommend it. The teachers are also friendly and have any questions. They'll do anything just to make sure that you are confident anything that you're learning because they want you to be as successful as possible. They're just in case you ever not feel comfortable with, like some type of skill go there. They're always senior students that are helping out. There's always teachers that are there, anything like that.