Tony Gives His Perspective of Biola

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My name is Tony or Angle, uh, senior Marketing Management major here by university. I chose my only because I was really drawn to the ER Christ centered aspect of school. Everything they did was surrounded by Jesus and just do it, integrating the Bible into everything that that is your education. My first semester here, walking down the hallway or like walking around campus and just like random people, it's likely like, Hey, you're like, hi. Or like this, Like smiling at me like I guess I'm just used to that. Um, I was I was like it was kind of like a major that I avoided when I first got here, because I didn't really know what it like to fight for me. As far as the whole like program grows like, professors are amazing like a lot of them, like I've had pass a message, but I'll still go in like stepfather office and talk to them because they're just so like like, relatable like they just know, like they are interested in me rather than just me as a student on, uh, like I've gone in there to talk about personal things about, like, other classes about like, just like school in general if your work. I feel like it's just enough like you're not like, I mean, depending on the type of student you are feel like everything's the last minute. I feel like it would be like a little too much, but on what Admiral classes you're taking. Like if you're taking kind of like all the heavy workload buses, I once and yeah, it's probably stuck. Resident Advisor is like the staff of the of the Dorms and also like the IRA's like even just like residents of North, like they're all interested in, like make any difference on talking about things. That kind of like this school really doesn't get a chance to talk about most of time like things like mental health or like things like sexuality. Students here are really interested in, like making those things known, and let people know that things I cared about what about anything I preach about appreciate about Violet is, uh uh Do you have a lot of things available for students to kind of take advantage of. My film majors have, like all the equipment, taking on a job, but there's also like the BCC and like it's like heavily discounted like like a counseling its future direction on like it's kind of like the same thing. It's actually three in the chapel credit, so that's really cool. So I would have told myself to start looking up what I wanted to major in there like do like earlier and to start searching for that like earlier, just, like really think about this person because, like now I know like what my true passions are. I wish I knew them at the time because our found a major quickly and also just like, be nice for yourself, like I don't know where don't like they were about the front because, like, you don't know anybody. I guess that's where you find like it's your friends and that's for you.