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So once you walk in the library, the main floor has the writing center, which is free for all violent students. You can go and make an appointment online, and they will help you with your papers in your speeches and all those kinds of things. There's multiple computers that you will have access to through your dialogue in, and that's where I do my assignments when my computer doesn't work or I need a PC instead of my Mac. Of the library with just the top floor, there are study rooms that you can reserve online, which are really great for when you and your friends want to study together. Or you have a group project you need somewhere to go. Uh, upstairs gets a little bit loud during the evenings when it's, uh, busy midterm season just because everybody's hanging out up there. So my suggestion is to go down to the basement, where is actually a silent like one hundred percent of the time, and you can also book study Room's down there. You get more spaces to focus, and within the library, there is, of course, reserves that tells you where all the different books are that you need for any research paper or Bible people that you have.