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My computer science teacher, let up sort of colossus a little early today. So before I head to my next nine a M class, which is theater, I'm gonna give you guys a quick tour of McCallister Hall. So McAllister is pretty much the science building at very, um You'll do biology, chemistry, anatomy, computer science and mathematics here. Um, So third floor is pretty much office space for all of our professor, so you can come have a talk with them during their office hours. Um, accomplished is pretty cool way actually have the entire place styled like a museum. So we have pictures everywhere that are on loan to us from people like National Geographic and some of the national science museums. So we have a museum, actually, on the first floor with a lot of cool, like, astronomy stuff on DH. Then we have these pictures that are on loan to assault about the place. Then this right here is the main kind of, like, Keystone of the building. It's actually the second largest pendulum in the Southeast. Everybody looks at it when they come in is a freshman. Yeah, so pretty much this's the first floor. We have a lot of cool, very artifacts here as well as some actually volatile stuff like that. If you get Teo, we do it a lot on some teachers were actually give you extra credit if you do and write on something you saw so cool little thing to do with here. Pretty nice building on it's one of the new is that academic buildings we have on campus. So it also has the biggest classrooms we have, which isn't saying much when these classrooms can only hold like forty people. Probably everybody will but fun building my favorite building on campus so.