Academics, Campus, Student Involvement: 3 Reasons Why I Love Berry with Brooke
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There are a lot of reasons why I love Berry College and narrowing it down is kind of hard, but I will say the academics here are unmatched, the classes that you take are practical, they're skills based. So as an Animal Science major, first lab out there working with cows and with the other animal units that we have on campus such as the sheep and even up at Gunby at the horse unit. Just really getting exposure to a lot of different animals that you probably wouldn't get anywhere else. Is really, really a standout part of the academics as well as the dedication of the professors within each department. If you build those relationships, you can take a relationship with a professor very far here and it's really the staff is unmatched as well. Another reason why I love Berry is obviously the campus, you've heard about the Berry deer. It's, it's real. Um, of course we do have the deer but we also have a lot of other wildlife and a lot of really awesome just nature to enjoy. 27,000 acres is a lot of nature to explore. It's really easy to just go in between classes and go hike a trail or go run a trail if you need a good workout and also good unwinding at the same time. The campus offers you a lot of diversity and a lot of options to pursue and enjoy for your free time, if you have any. And then also along the lines of not having any free time, the involvement at Berry is also unmatched. There are no shortage of things to do, create, and work at and all of them are open to almost all Berry students. I have Animal Science majors who work in our Hackberry Lab, creating flashlights and 3D printing things. I 3D printed a cow. Animal science branding there, but you can, you have access to those facilities. I have friends in Creative Tech who took the Intro to Agricultural Science class and worked with our cows. There's, there's just no shortage of things to do and clubs on campus and campus events. It may be in a small town but we definitely keep you busy here at Berry, and that there are a lot more reasons why I love this college, but those are just a few of them.