Rec pt. 1
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Hey, thanks for spending some time with me at the Holly Festival today that the Indian Association put on ball state. Oh, I still have a couple of places I want to take you. So just endure with me that I have these crazy colors on my face. I know I'm not home yet, so they were going to be there for a little while. Um, and there's, um a lot of things to do in the rec center. Um, you can go on hiking trips with them canoe trips. It's actually a two part um, and you can even come in and go through like, a three or two times police And that just means that you'll be able tio, um, hook into the highest yourself and then hoist up your the people that you're coming with me. So if you have a couple of friends and you like to come together and you don't want to wait for, um, worker here to help you, um, you have an opportunity to learn yourself. Then you could bring friends and go at your own pace.