It's room tour time!
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I live in Elliott Hall, which is a complex on the south end of campus. No, you most likely won't be placed in Elliott Hall. The room that your place, that bull probably look exactly like this. As an incoming freshman, you'll be placed in a in a nicer room. New amenities, but nothing older than this s o l e a hall. Um, you do have a little dresser you can see on your right there, and then you have two deaths and a bed. So if you're looking to buy sheets or comforters, that's the size, it's gonna fit. I met standard on this campus, but it's also standard on a lot of other campuses to just so thatyou're aware. Um oh, you may also be placed in a room that has higher Dustin this on and you can rearrange your room however you like. So if you have a higher desk and you want some privacy, maybe you can put it next to you like a dresser or something. In my freshman sophomore year, um, I kind of made my own little sanctuary, but yeah, as long as you're willing to talk to you, remain ahead of time or even when they move in and be like, Hey, I'd like to see this a different way. Most people are more than willing to try something different to get to get their own special, to get their own little space.