Ryan's Freshman Dorm Tour

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Here is the hallway leading down to my freshman dorm. I lived on the first floor, which, if you can get I say, do it. We were very fortunate to have been best friends our whole life and get the chance to share a dorm together. Being from Los Angeles, we had to pay respects now because this was all last year and before Cove in 19 I am going to show you guys my living situation for this year as well as that is more reachable for me. Here I am in the elevator, heading up to the 11th floor. After your freshman year, you're living options become much more diverse, and you're given an option of on campus or off campus living I chose off campus. Here's a view of our living room as well as the View. Now here's an example of what an empty room would look like. The biggest benefit of living in these apartments, rather than on campus living, is your own room. This allows me to shut the door and really get down to work. Another huge benefit of the apartments is the amount of space that you have. A dorm is normally one room, but this has four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a live. It even comes with your own washer and dryer so that you don't have to wait in line at those pesky machines in the dorms. As I said in one of my previous videos, one of the biggest benefits of attending a issue is the views and this scenery. Another great benefit of off campus living once the time comes is that most places have facilities that you can use so that you don't need to walk to campus, even though I would recommend still doing that. At times, most things are shut down, thanks to coronavirus, but once that's all over, it'll be very nice to have our own pool. Our own little game room and a gym to just walk downstairs, too. Most apartment complexes are this way as well, and feature a business center so that if you need to do any printing or use another computer, you may. Students normally come out here to hang out, relax and blow off some steam after a hard day of work. Like I said, because of the coronavirus, this is shut down. So I can't wait until the day that I finally get to give it a try. So now you know a little bit about the living situation at Arizona State, and honestly, I live nowhere else.