Residential Halls (dorms) at ASU
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This is you asked and you asked about residence halls. Hopefully I can answer some of those questions for you. I didn't even need a car when I lived in the residence halls, you can bike everywhere, literally everything is within reach. You can easily just like walk right to campus and be a class. I had a great experience limiting in a residence hall. I lived in barrett the honors college in Rosewood hall shoutout to rosie, we had game nights like every week. So why is it not called a dorm? So residential hall comes from a residential community where we base our communities based on major versus all entire freshman. It's awesome to get this awesome sense of community living in a dorm with multiple students from your major or your college helps kind of build a community that helps with engagement and helps with taking classes with your peers. It also like just builds a better foundation for your freshman year, but we'll have fancy the house is a ton of stuff, we'll have henna. It was just like a great way to get to know people because you meet like your roommates friends and then you meet like their friends, like that kind of thing. Like like I see a friend over there, like you just see everyone everywhere and it's like super fine. Well hopefully you learn something about residents halls on this episode of you ask because always like subscribe comment below. This has been you ask residence halls, Someone honked at me.