On campus Jobs

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So today I wanted to talk about student employment at its you because there are a lot of opportunities. There was a lot of jobs that you can work as an on campus. A student, not give you can be off campus as well, but there are a lot of jobs, some of them ones that I've done are I'm a desk assistant at their the honors college. It's really nice because I get to get a lot of homework done while I get paid. So you get the best of both worlds, but also another job, this gold guides and for gold guides. So when you come to campus for your orientation, there be a bunch of people with gold polos that's us, and we actually get paid for them, and we're just there to help. Around present material that makes be presented mingle with all the first year students, and it's a very fun job because it's a lot of people that air on staff. So you meet a lot of friends through your work and you need a lot of first year students as well, and you could help them around. It's very rewarding when you can help them, because sometimes sometimes you guys come very nervous, which you don't have to, because it's not that bad. But being able to be there for students is really fun and also give tours in the end, so hope to see you there.