Dorm Review

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So I'm going to be giving you guys a kind of thorough tour of my apartment here at Fist Adult Soul, the upper division housing for Barrett students. I will also be answering a couple of questions thing. In our kitchen, we have our sink, our dishwasher, our microwave, our stove, our fridge and lots of storage on this side. So close or sopping wet remains came that day and replace them with new ones within an hour. We decided to decorate the space with the tapestry, and I'm very lights to give a comfy at simple vibe. My roommates and I also walked toe Walgreens and bought squish mellows that we all feel represented personalities. My squish Melo is Bruce over here he is a walrus and I just feel like his smile is so contagious. I also love our windows because I love natural light. We ever bought me over here, and I love coming out here for some fresh air or to talk to our neighbors across from us. I also wanted to show off our thermostat because 73 degrees a superior temperature to keep your house or apartment at. Speaking of Superior, let's go into my room joking, joking? Of course. Why don't you guys guess what my favorite colors always todo Yeah, it's pink. My room is very warm, toned and soft because it feels so comforting on this side of my room. My current one is from Piece, which is on her fourth floor album, My favorite album at the moment Blow Over Here. I also have my stool and beanbag chair, just as extra seating that I can move around in my room and my carpet, which is also very nice and soft so I can sit on it. Sometimes I have my dresser, which is amazing because there's so much room in each drawer on top of my dresser, I have my light box with one of my favorite affirmations. A picture hanging, um, frame, I guess that I intertwined with some fairy lights, my lava lamp and my favorite thing ever. My essential oil diffuser does my bed and tapestry, which I got off of at sea, and I just think it's the cutest thing. My room also has mayors on the closet door, which means I'm always looking at my reflection. I also have lots of storage here because of the shelves on the side. There's not much to show, but I have purple rugs and a white shower curtain. I just have some prints and posters and random things on my walls. One of those random things on My Wall is actually a flyer for a floor event from my dorm. I missed my CIA's and all my floor mates a good times. The other side has some more posters and fairy lights that I need to better arrange. I also have a little Post it note here, with all my semester project, have this three tier card with some random stationery. Every day I will take out my laptop clipboard planner, cute planner, stickers, pens, sticky notes and notebook. I love using a five subject notebook because then I could just use each section for each of my classes. I also have the books that I'm reading for my classes. I recently finished beloved by Toni Morrison for my honors and these days pathways class. I also have been reading me cute for my English 3 88 class because I'm doing an honors contract for the class. Now that I've gone over my room, it's time for some Q and A about dorm stuff. So the first question you'll probably have is how do I like living on campus? And I have to say that I give it two thumbs up because it's so nice living walking distance from all my classes as well as my friends. I also like that There are so many resource is available, um, at that same walking distance. Or if I need to go to the Barrett Student Center, also on campus, there are a lot of amazing food places that I will be talking more about and a later video. I just think it's a overall 10 out of 10 experience living on campus. So last year I met my roommates through Devil to devil For this year. I am just so lucky to have gotten amazing roommates both times around. I'm so thankful to have had such amazing living experiences both times around. I'm so excited for each and every one of you to get to experience on double life on campus as well.