Tour of Lily's room in King, one of two "thesis dorms" and part of the French House

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I live in the dorm called King, which is called a thesis storm because a lot of upperclassmen live here, and so it's pretty quiet and people are able to get their work done. I live in specifically the French house, which is a florin king. What happens is that three ta from France coming to year and live with us on we speak to each other in French. On DH. There are actually a number of culture houses across campus based on language or culture or arts or cooking. So that is definitely an option for you after freshman year. A lot of people do that just so they can live with people who have similar interests and often times. If you live in a culture house, you're almost guaranteed a single. So I live in a single and I'll just take you around. My closet is here and then I have these shelves for my clothes. This is probably my least favorite part because I don't really have drawers. I also have more shelves, Really long desks, Uh, standard college bad. Nothing too fancy. Some people will switch them out, but it is a lot of work. Uh, and then finally, I have, ah, window with a pretty nice view. I also wanted Teo share this couch because I'm super proud of it. It's a couch that actually didn't come with the room. I got it for fifteen dollars at a local thrift stores. So that is an option for you if you want to buy a couch for not too expensive, but yeah. That's just a quick little round up my room. Next thing we're gonna do is take you on my walk, Teo breakfast.