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The outside of Keefe Campus Center
Amherst's campus center holds several resource centers, such as the study abroad office and women's and gender center. This is also the spot to go for grab n' go lunch and student mail. It doesn't, however, feel like a hub for student activity; it's not the go-to spot to hang out.
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So behind me is the campus center, and I don't know if I would consider it a major hub for events. They're like center for study abroad. There's a multicultural resource center, queers, resource center, women's and gender center. I don't know if it's really a hangout spot. I would say people really just go there to get their mail, sometimes go to these centers on. There's also a place where you can get, grab and go for lunch rather than going to the dining hall, and so I'll take you through there in a sec.
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