I got my Chipotle Tempeh wrap! + more on the dining system
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You'll be happy to know that I did get my shit Pull a temp. I rot from yesterday that I was so sad. I didn't get I was at grand go earlier today and just got it since they were leftovers on DH. I've just been saving it since I had other food throughout the day. I did realize that I forgot to tell you about our food plants and our meal plans. It's either the full male plan, so free meals a day, unlimited swipes, Um, or there is a second option after your freshman year, where you get two meals a day and you have a certain amount of cut it a month. Schweppes the A place that serves, you know, some of the more comfort foods at night and also Frost Cafe, which is that cafe in the library that has snacks and coffee and things like that on DSO. Those air the three. Those are the two different options that you'll encounter. Amherst There is sort of a third option, which would be either of which would be a being off the meal plan basically, but that's very difficult to dio I amorous like you do have to have some sort of reason to be off the meal plan. There is also a culture house that is almost like a co op where people cook meals together on DH, so that could be an option for us. Well, after your freshman year, you could apply for this house if you're feeling. The campus isn't serving your needs or if you're really passionate about food and want to have a sort of community where you are sharing all of your food.