Will you get into Washington University in St Louis (WashU)?
This tool calculates your chances at getting accepted into Washington University in St Louis (WashU).
To appropriately analyze your chances, the calculator compares your GPA and test scores against the GPAs and test scores for Washington University in St Louis (WashU)’s admitted applicants. This is based on the most recent data available and was reported by the school in 2025.
Is your high school GPA good enough for Washington University in St Louis (WashU)?
The average high school GPA for admitted students at Washington University in St Louis (WashU) is 2.6 on a 4.0 scale. (You can calculate your high school a GPA
This is a very competitive GPA, and Washington University in St Louis (WashU) is clearly accepting students at the top of their high school class.
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Common SAT Questions and Comparisons
Will I get into WUSTL with a 1400 SAT score?
Assuming you have the same GPA as an average admitted student, you have an 44% chance of getting accepted at Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Will I get into WUSTL with a 1200 SAT score?
Assuming you have the same GPA as an average admitted student, you have an 27% chance of getting accepted at Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Will I get into WUSTL with a 1100 SAT score?
Assuming you have the same GPA as an average admitted student, you have an 15% chance of getting accepted at Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Will I get into WUSTL with a 3.9 GPA?
Assuming you have the same GPA as an average admitted student, you have an 40% chance of getting accepted at Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Will I get into WUSTL with a 3.5 GPA?
Assuming you have the same GPA as an average admitted student, you have an 26% chance of getting accepted at Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Will I get into WUSTL with a 3.2 GPA?
Assuming you have the same GPA as an average admitted student, you have an 15% chance of getting accepted at Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Will I get into WUSTL with a 3.0 GPA?
Assuming you have the same GPA as an average admitted student, you have an <10% chance of getting accepted at Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Will I get into WUSTL with a 2.5 GPA?
Assuming you have the same GPA as an average admitted student, you have an <10% chance of getting accepted at Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
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