Religion on campus
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So I thought briefly, going to like, really just life and stuff on campus. There's one for Muslims want for Christians, one for Catholics and stuff like that. Faith in action and way just have DR, which is like Friday night worship. Then we have Bible study groups, which have been throughout every it's what your same age group or your seem great on the steam genders, which is really nice because it can be really honest and candid about, like the individual problems that you're going through. A lot of like Bible study groups tend to block with each other because they become so close during Bible study. Um, and regarding like warships, there's different types of worships. We have something called Hillel for people who are Jewish. Has her own dining service so that they serve only kosher food. I believe it's called worship and stuff like that, where it's like community donors and onstar days. On Sundays, there's a bunch of different churches that you can go, too, if you're Christian. I can't really speak about other religions because I'm not sure about the resources there are for them. I can tell you for Christian, for Christians, we have a whole bunch of different churches. Like, if you're looking for like an Asian American church, those exist. If you're looking for more of a community church, those exist that we're looking more for, like a college oriented church. Those is that exists as also very different part very different, like really, just like churches and stuff that you can go to. People specifically doesn't need it on to be to give you advice on religion and stuff. They're affiliated with the school, so you can always visit them and talk to them about churches or synagogues or temples, whichever, wherever your religion fits.